Tuesday, October 18, 2011

TMI Tuesday

1. “I’ll show you mine if you show me yours”…What is it that you will show me?
Probably attitude. I am all for treating people the way you would like them to treat you so if you are acting a fool I am going to treat you like a fool. The same goes for if you are a bitch I will be a bitch to you, if you are ignorant I will treat you as such and if you act like a small child, I will treat you like one of mine, and trust me I am a lot stricter parent than 95 percent of people I know.

2. What was the last thing you regret buying?

I do not often buy a lot of things for myself. When I do go shopping it is for something that we need. I regret buying some books, I have tried to read " Eat, Pray, Love" three times and have not made it past Italy... So that was a waste of money that just sits on my book shelf and when someone sees it and goes "OH what a great Book" I can't even agree because I didn't even make it a third of the way through it.

3. How happy are you? 1 = not happy at all to 5 = very happy

Truly depends on the day. On average I am a 4-5. I am extremely happy with my life, I just have a lot of stress recently and it is just now starting to works its way out. I am working out again on a regular basis so that really is helping with the stress level.

4. Last night, what did you go to bed thinking about?

Sex, its usually what I think about before going to bed. Unfortunately I was too tired to really make a move so I just simply asked Atlas to cuddle with me for awhile thinking it might lead to something else... it didn't but I woke up feeling much more refreshed.

5. Tell us something that made you happy this past week or made you think “that’s cool!”

My sister saying " I love you" and "bye" for the first time since her accident. I was there I heard it and it made me cry, happy tears of course. This from a girl the doctors told us had no brain activity and would never breathe on her own. The moral of the story, never lose faith... Believe like nothing is impossible.

Bonus: What is your favorite mark of punctuation? Why?

Oh this is funny and I have the same answer as Will! I overuse the Ellipsis (...) in my writing. I tend to write how I speak and I often leave a lot of pauses and allow my conversational partner a chance to speak. I also do this too much when I am "chatting" online, anyone that chats with me probably notices that... its like my thoughts just kind of trail off or I am patiently waiting for someone to say something... maybe not so patiently.


  1. Haha...love your answer to #1. Attitude. Hilarious.

    As for your sister...that's just AWESOME. Definitely made me smile this morning to hear that.

  2. A very original answer to #1. One's attitude, whether good or bad, deserves to be returned in kind. We understand about Eat, Pray, Love, as we couldn't even make it through the movie, much less the book. Glad to hear that we aren't the only ones who think about sex just before bed, although to be fair we are generally thinking about it quite a bit during the day as well, so it's not really a change. We've seen lots of love for ellipses this week. I use them abundantly when chatting online. Wonderful news about your sister. She has defied the doctors' prognosis, and we hope that there is more progress to come. She remains in our thoughts.
