Tuesday, August 14, 2012

TMI Tuesday: August 14, 2012 - Any Regrets?


Thank you to ‘Rants from the Erotic Rogue‘ for this week’s TMI Tuesday.


Looking back on our lives, we can have a mix of reactions to the things we’ve done. When it comes to sex, our memories can color us with pride, fondness, nostalgia, indifference, or all too often, regret.

This week’s TMI Tuesday questions delve into things that people typically regret later in life. How much do you regret, if at all, any of the following?

1. Do you regret how you “lost” your virginity? If yes, why and to whom would you have preferred to have lost it?
Is there any women out there who don't regret the way they lost their virginity really? I don't think there is ever the perfect way to do it.  Its always a bit awkward, doesn't usually feel great. My regret... not waiting a little longer. It was the one year anniversary with my first real boyfriend. I was 17... It was on my couch... it wasn't real romantic, it didn't feel good, neither of us got off... He expected it more than I was really ready to give it up, but it was our anniversary, I made him wait a whole year... I was a silly teenager who thought it was just the next step...  It wasn't the greatest experiance but I don't really know what would of made it better... I was just glad we got that behind us.
                                              Probably something like this. ( Anyone even know what this is from)
2. Have you ever lived a moment in your life where you said “Yeah, I’m not going to ever tell anyone about that.” Describe that moment or incident.
Yes, there was a situation, which involved unclear minds, my boyfriend and a close friend... we never talked about it after and i know none of us ever will...

3. Do you regret having acted on a sexual impulse? If yes, please describe.
Hmmm... Regret is such a strong word. I dont necissarily regret anything but I do think that I could of done without someexperiances.  A few boys that I would rather not do again. If I had to do it all again, I wouldn't spend a weekend with a rich lacrosse player... but it was good sex... just bad timing but looking back at it he reminds me an awful lot of Stiffler...
Yep, that guy.

4. Do you regret not having had sex with someone who you could have had sex? If yes, would you do it over and have sex?
Regret No. I have walked away from a few people that I can honestly think... damn... I so should have done that.
5. Do you regret not having asked out or tried to hook up with someone you really liked out of fear of rejection only to later learn that person wanted you, too? If yes, please describe.
The heart of the problem with Hermes.... I should have made a move. He should have made a move. Someone should have done something, then we could have left there not wondering what if...Not sure I can honestly say he ever really "wanted" me but I think he was at least remotely attracted to me.
On the other hand, I should have tried to date Brett or the sleeping bag kid... They are some of my what ifs... I know we were attracted to each other and we had great chemistry in both situations we just werne't able to make things work at the time. Looking back at it, I think sleeping bag kid and I really could have worked out in the long run... but then I wouldn't be where I am today... and that would be so sad.

6. Do you regret having done a particular sex act? If yes, please describe.
No, I think the things that I have done in a sexual matter have all been exciting and interesting and I have enjoyed the majority of them.   There is nothing that I can honestly say that I would never do again...

Bonus: Do you regret not having told someone you love them? Romantic, not familial or friendship love.
No. Not telling them never. I pretty much wear my heart on my sleeve and if I like you I will usually tell you straight up. I did tell a boy once that I loved him. I thought I might of, thought that maybe if I did we could make it work. His reply... " I don't know what love is" and he didn't. He wasn't lying to my for once then.  He was a liar and a cheater and we broke up when he had the nerve to slam me against the wall and put his hands on me... So... regret not saying it? Never... regret saying it? Only once.

1 comment:

  1. Great answers as always. Like you, I think I am more likely to regret the things I didn't do - i.e. the people I should have had sex with - than the things I didn't.

