I have a lot on my mind, I wrote a whole story and then I deleted it... It just wasn't I wanted out there. I am just kinda frustrated. I don't even know where to go with this post right now. I want to scream at the top of my lungs the words that are bouncing erradically in my head but it just wouldn't come out right... Nothing sounds right to me right now...
Last night was incredibly busy, and challenging, today I slept most of the day got a lot of errands done in the evening and then I sat and waited... for what you may ask? If you have to ask its not about you, if you don't have to ask, then you already know what I was waiting for. But... I'm used to it, so I'll wait for something, anything.
Last night there was a tall handsome man that kept me company. He sat next to me and we talked, he looked into my eyes while we exchanged stories... he kind of reminded me of Hermes. Only... this guy was here, he was interested, he smiled at me, and he gave me "the look" yeah you know that look, the one from across the room that will turn your face red. Yeah that look and my face most definately turned red. I plan on chatting with him again soon. I really just need that outlet even if it is nothing more than talking. I need to talk to someone...
Saw the neighbor he was sitting on his porch drinking a beer after he finished cutting grass. He waved. I nodded, he asked if I wanted a beer. I said no, I don't like the taste of beer... he asked if I wanted something else to drink, I smiled and asked if he was trying to get me drunk... he smiled and asked if it would help his chances... I just laughed....
My needs are just not being met... and its not that I really need sex, Trust me its may, and I am taking things into my own hands on a regular basis, but really I just want to feel someone else. I want to feel thier hand on my arm, their skin against me, and it doesnt need to be sex, I just want a hug or something.. LOL Like where I can just put my head on your shoulder and stay like that for a few minutes. Like just to be held, be touched...
We want to play! Expect an email shortly, if we're not too late.