TMI Tuesday #226 - Deadly Sins Edition (repeat)
1. LUST: Besides your current Significant Other who do you lust for or have you lusted for?
I lust for my spouse A LOT! Like I wish I could have him like 2 three times a day. hehehe. I truthfully don't lust after anyone else. On occassion I really find Johnny Depp (only as Jack Sparrow) to be super delicious. In the past I had a thing for pro wrestlers, but it wasn't a lust thing it was more of a "I want to make out with them and hang out with them, not fuck them kinda thing.
2. GLUTTONY: What food brings out your inner glutton?
Hmmm.. I try really hard to eat well. I love lady locks and just in general good food. I am a big fan of steak and fried foods but I try to eat sparingly what I can.
3. GREED: What are you greedy for?
Time. I always need more time, and more time alone especailly.
4. SLOTH: What is your plan for an ideal day of sloth?
Sleep in, breakfast in bed, nap, do homework, sleep, eat, sleep...
5. WRATH: Describe a time that you let out a can of whoop ass on someone.
I'm not one for physical battles but I have been in a few scuffles in my time. All of them over stupid boys that I was dating... I should of figured then that if someone wanted to fight for them I should of just gave them to them without a fight. Haha, I am pretty vicious with my words when I want to be. I made a grown woman cry in a feminist theory class last year. ( I do not belong in a class like that) We were discussing vegetarian feminism or something like that and someone mentioned men as hunters and women as gatherers. I simply put "I hunt". the girl replied "why do you hunt." "Because we eat it," "You could go to the store and get food there to eat, you don't need to go shoot inocent animals." Brush off how stupid that comment is because it gets much better, I didn't talk about slaughter houses and how gruesome they are. " Population control." " So you hunt to control the population of deer?" "Yes. Haven't you ever hit a deer with your car? There are too many of them" ( I live in PA and it is 3rd in the country for most deer/vehicle accidents). "No and I don't know anyone who has" Now she was just getting stupid. " Has anyone in here hit a deer with there car?" I as well as half the class raises their hand. "Fine, population control like the chinese aborting female fetus' becuase of overpopulation." At this point I just stopped looked at the professor as if asking her if she wanted to stop me. She did nothing " Yes, just like that. So the next time a chinese woman runs out in front of my car while I am driving down a back road I will start hunting them too, if that will make you feel better. " THe girl got teary eyed and stood up to walk out of the room, that's when the professor stepped in.
6. ENVY: Who or what do you envy? Why?
On occassion I envy couples iwth no children for the simple fact that they can do what they want, whenever they want. But then I see my kids and I know that perhaps they want exactly what I have.
7. PRIDE: Have you ever had to swallow your pride? What are you proud of?
hmmm... In my profession I had to go through a time when all I did was swallow my pride. Every part of who I was or what I was proud of before was ruined. But from that experiance I learned, I grew and I became a stronger, prouder, and better person.