Sunday, March 21, 2010

Don't talk politics or religon

In a bar... I used to bartend prior to my current career. But this isn't a bar. I usually do not get too involved in politics or politians but this healthcare reform blows my mind. I see bad things on the horizon and I am young enough to see bad things in the future for this. My current career gives me great insurance, full coverage for everything, perscriptions, hopitalizations, well appointments, whatever. So I have yet to understand life without insurance. I'm sure its horrible. I'm sorry that some people can not afford to go to the doctors but I do not think that universal healthcare is the right direction to take. Its going to cause a huge(er) national deficet. Its going to cause issues for my children. I just wanted to vent a little. I know there is nothing that I can do now, the vote is about to happen, and its too late. What a scam.


  1. It really is a sad situation, I do hope that every yes voter gets tossed out by their constituents.

  2. Amen @ Get8.

    It ain't a mirage you see on the horizon, it is coming and it is going to be bad, damn bad.
