Friday, March 26, 2010

weekend preview


Yeah that's about it. Well, we have some common household chores that we are going to try and knock out, but other than that adventures are kinda out this weekend. Easter Egg hunt for the kiddos at the local VFD that Atlas is a memeber of. Atlas has some work to catch up on on Saturday but maybe sunday we can squeeze in some alone time.

Sorry I haven't been posting HNT's recently. I've been pretty busy with school and dr appt on thursday but I should be good to go for this coming week. I had another follow up yesterday the surgeon took out my last set of stitches and gave me the okay to shower again... yes I have not showered in 2 weeks so that may also add to the lack of HNT pictures. sponge bathing does not make me feel sexy nor does taking a bath. I do enjoy a bubble bath every now and again but I have a hard time getting over the idea of sittin in your own dirt and skin flakes and whatever other bodily fluids, functions that were on your skin when you got in that hot steamy bubbly water. So, I'm feeling good again, got the okay to start working out again on Monday, wants me to be careful still, no jumping, no pushups but its a start. The swelling is pretty much subsided and I think I am about the size I will end up being. Its nice. and I am excited and happy I did it.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you are feeling better and all is well on the boobage front!
