Sunday, April 22, 2012

What a miserable day. The weather sucks, I am grumpy from a boring night at work that left me looking at my schedule and wondering how they are allowed to work me night off day off night off day day off night night night... Talk about a bullshit schedule. Talk about bullshit leadship, and communication. The people I work for don't care about the people that work for them, and they use the fact that we are nurses... who are willing to go above and beyond and not compromise the patient's care against us. Because they know we are still going to provide quality care to the patients even if we are disgruntled with the work space so they don't care.

I miss when thigs were a big simpler, if I did my job and did it well then someone noticed and at least said  " hey thanks for what you do" now I just get phonecalls at home on my day off wanting more from me. Wanting something always but never even giving... when I ask for 2 hours off telling me my issue isn't important... Yeah...

I'm struggling with a lot of issues right now. I feel so alone and stuck and frustrated and disheartened with this whole situation.... Maybe i just need a good night out or a good cry... something... I need something. I've never felt so angry in this situation... Where the people who want to help can't and the ones that can and should don't give a flying fuck. I'm not one to judge, but these people will be judged... and its not just by me.

1 comment:

  1. The fact that your job is unwilling to work with you and adjust your schedule until your gram is able to look after the kids is very reprehensible. You have much in common with Jill in regard to your job; we've long said that teachers get screwed not only out of their pay but sometimes out of basic respect and courtesy, simply because they love what they do. Truly decent people, who take pride in their work and do it for the right reasons, are taken advantage of and it's just not right.

    The fact that there's no one voicing their appreciation for all that you do is disappointing and we hope it doesn't lead to further disillusionment with your work. We've found that a little encouragement, or even a kind word or two, goes a long way. You deserve a little give and take, not just take.

    We're sorry you feel so isolated. We wish we could do more than just offer words of comfort. We truly would help if we were geographically closer and thus in a position to do so. For now, however, all we can do is offer moral support.
