Saturday, January 16, 2010

Lifeless friday night

So when you have small children I guess there isn't much of a night life. Atlas and I find ourselves cozied on the couch, no babysitter in sight most friday and saturday nights. Last night was no exception and I found myself boredd beyond words. I had a migraine most of the day so I treated myself to a motrin and a big glass of water, a hot shower and some comfy pajamas. Within minutes of the shower I was passed out of the couch. This is probably around 7pm. I know, what a boring night. I woke up early and made Atlas breakfast in bed. We usually switch off on the weekends, tomarrow I will get to sleep in and get breakfast in bed, sunday is usually pancake day. The children were busy playing in the living room when Atlas attacked me shortly after breakfast was all cleaned up. The sun came in through our bedroom window and filled our room. We kissed and laughed and made love. It was a lot of fun but short lived as our four year old soon figured out our door was closed and was knocking to come in. Shortly after she discovered the closed door our 2 yewar old was sticking pens and his small fingers under the door. I was on top and was able to see the little fingers sticking under the door so any chance of me getting off was lost in my concentration on the little fingers. I started to laugh because Atlas said " If we don't make any noise they won't know we're in here". Soon enough I was riding Atlas, silently, smile on both our faces, till he came hard inside me. It was a nice way to start the day off. Hope everyone is having a great weekend!


  1. Oh I remember those days. "Mommy are you alright?" "Daddy are you hurting Mommy?"

    "Kids go watch cartoons we are getting dressed" haha

    Being quiet can be fun. I remember one time I had to cover my wife's mouth with my hand. That was some good sex that day.

    Now they are at the age that they know what is going on behind the closed door which takes the fun out of it for me.

  2. sounds like the start of a perfect day to me!
