Tuesday, January 26, 2010

TMI Tuesday #223 - Masturbation Edition

TMI Tuesday #223 - Masturbation Edition
1. When you masturbate, how long, typically, is your session and what do you think about (other than having an orgasm)?

It varies in length of time, sometimes only taking a few moments and other times taking alittle longer. Never longer than 15 minutes though.

2. Have you ever been "caught" masturbating?

Caught? I don't think so, and even if it was it wouldn't be considered caught. We are all pretty open about it in my house. Atlas and I both understand that we both have needs and sometimes those needs do not need to be met by our partner sometimes we just haev to do it to get it out of the way.

3. Have you ever masturbated in front of your computer? If 'yes' was it for your own purposes or for someone's viewing pleasure?

Yes, and it was for my own purposes, No one has ever seen me masturbate except maybe Atlas and it never makes it the whole way without him joining in.

4. Have you ever attended a group masturbation party? Same-sex or mixed?

Nope, I have not.

5. When masturbating, as you reach orgasm, do you continue to stimulate yourself without interruption, or do you stop and apply pressure until your spasms subside? Or?

I usually stop until the spasms subside. I am pretty lame I know but at that point I am usually done, roll over and go to sleep.

6. Have you ever video'ed yourself while masturbating (solo)? Where are they now?

Nope, and like I mentioned before it probably wouldn't be that interesting anyway. Oh wait, I send a few short like 30 sec vids to Atlas before when we were separated for work. He deletes them when he returns.

Bonus (as in optional): How often do you use the word "fuck" (or its derivatives) in casual conversation - frequently, occasionally, rarely, never.

Fuck I use a lot more than I should considering the age of my children. Its derivitives I use on a fairly common basis. I have a pretty dirty mouth at times.

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting. I do it during sex in between positions and my wife loves watching.
