Tuesday, January 19, 2010

TMI Tuesday 3

1. Ideal amount of sex per week?

Idealy I could go everyday, probably twice a day but with our schedules and our children, stress and time constraints I think 4-5 times a week is ideal. Its about what Atlas and I are able to get in,sometimes more, sometimes less. There is always a lot of sexual energy between us.

2. Ever had an online affair?

Hm, No I haven't. I usually don't get close to people online. When I was young, I'd say 14 there was a boy who I talked to through thick and thin. His name is Marcus, we have never met, but we stay in contact on occassion. If I had to say I ever had feelings for anyone online it would of been him and it was years ago and it was simply because we kept each other sane through our crazy teenage years.

3. Are you a member of the mile high club?

Can't say that I am. I really was never too adventureous sexually. Atlas and I recently fucked in our car and it was the first time I ever had sex in the car so, it would probably take some serious convincing for me to try it on a plane.

4. Are you predjudice against any particular group of people?

Unfortuately I think I am. It is not a racial thing, it is not a class thing. In my line of work I just don't like working with older adults (elderly). I'm sorry, I know I am going to be old someday, and I am trying ot get better at it, I am taking classes to help educate me and I truly try.

5. What constitutes bad sex?

Bad sex? When neither person gets off? I swear, my first boyfriend and I had sex for probably a year before he was ever able to get off. Weird huh? I think maybe there is something wrong with him now that I look back on it. I was always able to get off but he never did. I don't think that my husband and I have ever really had "bad" sex. We are very comfortable with eachother and I just don't think it is possible for us to have bad sex.

Bonus (as in optional): Can females ejaculate?

I'm sure we can.

Can you do this?

I don't think I can. Is it something I have to concentrate on to do or something that would just do? I just don't think its for me.

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