Tuesday, January 12, 2010

TMI Tuesday

Would you rather.....

1. Have eyes that always smile or a voice that makes people calm?

Hm... I think I would have to go with a calm voice because in my profession if I always had smiling eyes people may take what I am saying the wrong way. In other words, I am not always the bearer of good news or happy endings.
2. Have an affair and your partner catches you or your partner have an affair and you catch him/her?

Wow.Can't we just not have affairs? Um, for the sake of this I would rather he have an affair and catch him because that then would make him the bad guy in a divorce trail that is sure to follow.

3. Have better sex or more money?

Well, we have great sex already but money can not buy happiness. Wow, thats a tough one. We get by and do well with the money we have but more would always help so long as we remain at the level of sex that we have now.

4. Be able to read everyone’s mind all the time or always know the future?

I would rather read people's mind. I don't think I want to know what the future holds for me, I think I just want to go along for the ride as far as that is concerned however if I could read people's minds around me I bet it would make life a lot easier and probably more fun.

5. Your partner have sex with someone else or fall in love with someone else?

Again. Ouch. Didn't I mention I have jealous tendendices in previous posts. Truthfully I would rather he have sed with someone else. I want to be the only girl he is in love with for the rest of his life. To know that he loved someone even remotely the way he loves me, would break my heart.

Bonus (as in optional): What one thing, big or small, would you change in your life if granted one wish by a lamp-bound genie? Why?

I truthfully wouldn't change anything. I am vey happy in my life. There are always going to be those situations that are going to upset me but it is how we get over those, and grow because of them that make us who we are. I wouldn't change a thing so with my one wish, I would grant the genie free.

1 comment:

  1. I don't want to have any more affairs, and I don't want him to either. But I'd be happy with more sex!
